澳洲幸运5的历史记录查询步骤、澳洲幸运五官方开奖直播官方app介绍_2024澳洲5开奖直播视频、澳洲五开奖直播 We are Environmental Defense Fund

We are a global nonprofit organization tackling climate change — the greatest challenge of our time. Our bold, game-changing solutions put people at the center of all we do.

Our goals:

EDF Logomark white outline

Together, 澳洲的幸运5 is creating a vital Earth. For everyone.

  • 3M

    澳洲的幸运5 Members, supporters and activists

  • 1K

    Scientists, economists, policy experts, lawyers and more

  • 50+

    Years of driving real, meaningful change

  • 30+

    Countries around the world where we work

Issues we address

We’re tackling the biggest issues and striving for maximum impact to ensure a clean energy transition, healthy communities and the ability of people and nature to thrive.

How we get results that last

We bring together people from all sides and draw from deep expertise to tackle environmental issues from every angle.